
LIC Policy Status – A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Checking

LIC Policy Status – A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Checking

Life Insurance Corporation of India, or LIC, stands tall as a government-owned insurance giant with a legacy of over 60 years, offering a diverse array of life insurance products to its vast customer base. For those holding LIC policies, maintaining awareness of the policy status is paramount, influencing aspects such as premium payments, maturity dates, and other vital details. In this detailed exploration, we delve into the nuances of LIC policy status, its significance, and the diverse methods to check and comprehend it.

What is LIC Policy Status?

LIC policy status serves as a real-time snapshot of your policy, encompassing essential details like the premium payment due date, total premium paid, maturity date, and other pertinent information. A keen understanding of this status empowers policyholders to navigate the journey of their policy with informed decisions and necessary adjustments.

Importance of Checking Your LIC Policy Status

Regularly monitoring your LIC policy status yields several advantages:

Stay Informed

Checking your policy status keeps you abreast of crucial aspects such as premium payments, maturity dates, and other critical details, ensuring you are always in the know.

Avoid Policy Lapses

Frequent status checks serve as a preventive measure against policy lapses, a situation arising from missed premium payments that could lead to policy termination and loss of benefits.

Make Necessary Changes

A vigilant approach to your policy status enables timely updates, such as contact information changes or alterations to the premium payment frequency.

Plan for the Future

Being cognizant of your policy status empowers you to proactively plan for the future, making necessary arrangements for the policy’s maturity amount.

How to Check LIC Policy Status

There are various avenues to check your LIC policy status, each offering convenience tailored to your preferences:


  1. Visit the LIC official website.
  2. Click on “Customer Services.”
  3. Select “Policy Status.”
  4. Enter your LIC policy number, date of birth, and mobile number.
  5. Click “Submit” to view your LIC policy status.

Customer Care

Call LIC customer care (022 6827 6827), follow IVR instructions, and enter relevant details to receive your policy status over the phone.

LIC Branch Office

Visit your nearest LIC branch, submit your policy number and details, and the representative will provide your policy status.

Different LIC Policy Statuses

Understanding the various LIC policy statuses is crucial, as they signify different scenarios:


The policy is active, and the policyholder can avail benefits as per terms and conditions.


Failure to pay premiums within the grace period leads to policy termination, with no benefits for the policyholder.


The policyholder voluntarily terminates the policy, receiving the surrender value as per terms and conditions.

After a minimum number of premiums, failure to pay results in a reduced sum assured, with no full benefits.


Failure to pay premiums within the grace period, and no paid-up value, results in policy termination with no benefits.

Consequences of a Lapsed LIC Policy

A lapsed LIC policy carries severe consequences, impacting insurance coverage, premium payments, and maturity benefits. To mitigate these consequences, policyholders should reinstate lapsed policies within the specified revival period, paying unpaid premiums with interest and penalties if any.

Loss of Insurance Coverage

A lapsed policy means the loss of insurance coverage, impacting dependents in the event of the policyholder’s demise.

Forfeiture of Premium Payments

Premiums paid towards a lapsed policy are forfeited, leading to financial loss for the policyholder.

Loss of Maturity Benefits

Failure to pay premiums on time can result in the loss of maturity benefits, affecting the lump sum payment at the end of the policy term.

Reinstatement of Lapsed Policy

Reinstating a lapsed LIC policy is possible within the revival period, involving payment of unpaid premiums, potential penalties, and a revival fee. Reinstatement may lead to changes in policy terms.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I check my LIC policy status?

It is advisable to check your LIC policy status regularly, at least once every few months, to stay informed about changes and ensure timely premium payments.

Can a lapsed LIC policy be reinstated?

Yes, a lapsed LIC policy can be reinstated within the revival period by paying unpaid premiums, interest, penalties, and a revival fee.

What is the importance of knowing different LIC policy statuses?

Understanding different LIC policy statuses is crucial for making informed decisions about your policy, such as whether to surrender, revive, or continue with the existing terms.

Can I check my LIC policy status offline?

Yes, you can visit the nearest LIC branch or call the customer care number to check your policy status offline.

What are the consequences of a discontinued LIC policy?

A discontinued LIC policy results in termination without benefits. It is essential to be aware of the policy status and take necessary actions to avoid such scenarios.


Regularly checking your LIC policy status is vital for ensuring an active policy and on-time premium payments. It serves as a tool for informed financial planning, helping policyholders stay updated on policy details and make sound decisions. The nuances of policy status, including its variations based on policy type and payment history, reinforce the necessity of periodic checks to navigate the dynamic landscape of life insurance effectively.

Insurance Plans, LIC Policy, Life Insurance Corporation, Policy Status

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